blog posts
Get The Scoop: Ten Must-Visit Ice Creameries InTheBurg
We don't need a reason to enjoy a delicious ice cream sundae, but if you're looking for an excuse, Spartanburg is home to some deliciously-sweet ice-creameries.
New Spin On History: Exploring Drayton Mills
Local history, delicious food, relaxing and romantic atmospheres, handcrafted brews, corporate offices, luxury lofts, natural destinations, and more all exist at one location, right here in Spartanburg County: Drayton Mills.
Breast, Wing, Thigh- Oh My!
No matter how you slice, dice, or serve it, fried chicken is an experience, and one that Spartanburg does well. So we set out to find the best of the Burg's fried chicken offerings-- new concepts, family favorites, and Hub City icons alike.
After the Storm
Weeks after February 6th, 2020's EF-1 tornado and ensuing rainfall, the Spartanburg community continues to rebuild, including the trail systems and green-spaces afflicted.
Buck 'N Brew
Campobello might not be the first place you think of as a "coffee destination," but you just don't have the full scoop. Local favorite, Buck 'N Brew Coffee & Ice Cream, is a cozy gathering place for locals and passerby alike.
Eatin' Good in Landrum
The historically-quaint Drake House in Landrum recently reopened under new ownership, as the Stax's Drake House Restaurant.
Second Chances
In just a decade, Spartanburg Humane Society's Live-Release rate increased from a sobering 10% to a soaring 97.5% of cats and dogs adopted, reclaimed by owners, or transferred safely to other facilities.
Keep OneSpartanburg Beautiful
Keep OneSpartanburg Beautiful, a campaign affiliate of Keep America Beautiful, aims to prevent litter, reduce waste, and beautify our County.
MLK Weekend: Unity, Community, and Service Opportunities
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day may not be until Monday, but Unity Week events and service opportunities start this Thursday!
A Taste of the Mexican Riviera
Acapulco Bakery, tucked in the heart of Fairforest, is known for their tacos, but offers far more to its loyal customers. Find a grocery store on one side of the building, and a weekend restaurant on the other.
January 16th ArtWalk
Once a month, our cultural entities and creative industries pool their talents to host Spartanburg's largest, consistent, unofficial downtown event. That would be ArtWalk, the third Thursday night of every month.
Big Ben's Desserts
Big Ben’s Desserts is full of cake slices, milkshakes, honey bun cake, ice cream, and cupcakes that sell out daily.