Healthier Hub City

Did you know: The Hub City Farmers Market increases accessibility to healthy food in Spartanburg?In addition to their Winter Market at Ciclops Cyderi & Brewery (next ones are February 15th and March 21st) and their weekly Farmers Market at the Northside Harvest Park (starting April 4th,) HCFM operates a Mobile Market that brings fresh produce, meat, bread, and more directly to the community.Most importantly to their mission of accessibility, Hub City offers the SC SNAP Healthy Bucks program, with the opportunity to double SNAP dollars at the market. SNAP stands for Supplementary Nutrition Assistance Program. In 2019, over $30,000 in SNAP sales at the markets, providing healthy food alternatives to program users!SC SNAP Healthy Bucks is a statewide nutrition incentive program, for purchasing fresh fruits and vegetables. At the HCFM, community members can both double their SNAP dollars at the market, and receive $10 in Healthy Bucks when they spend at least $5 in SNAP/ EBT.Hub City Farmers Market is big on healthy education in the community, and wants you to know the truth about SNAP and EBT at the market. Everyone has the right to healthy options, and we are stronger together!

Here's some common SNAP & EBT misconceptions:

Misconception: SNAP recipients don't want to work.Truth: The majority of SNAP participants are children, seniors, and individuals with disabilities, and more than half of working age, able-bodied adults living in SNAP households work. Hard-working individuals-- even those working 40+ hours a week-- may not always be able to make ends meet.Misconception: SNAP fully covers a household's food costs.Truth: The average benefit per individual is $125.80 per month, which breaks down to about $4.20 per day. According to the USDA, a basic, nutritionally adequate diet costs about $163.20 per month for a woman aged 19-50. SNAP was only intended to supplement other sources of food and income.Misconception: SNAP is bad for communities.Truth: Feeding America estimates that every $1 of SNAP assistance generates $1.79 of stimulation for a local economy. Think about it: An increased proportion of people buying food, rather than turning to food banks, shelters, or other charitable sources, means more money is circulating through a local economy in productive ways.Misconception: Charities can replace the aid SNAP provides.Truth: The enormous benefits SNAP provides-- from food to economic stimulation-- is something no non-governmental entity can match. Heather Janik, Director of Thought Leadership & Media Relations at Feeding America, the second largest charity in the nation, stated that for every meal they provided, SNAP provided 12.Misconception information quoted from the Hub City Farmers Market, gathered from the Forsyth Farmers Market and Lauren Phillips (@real_simple.)


Health in Hand


Food Is Good, InTheBurg