Behind the ‘Burg: Meet the Content Manager
February 25th, 2020, InTheBurg launched our daily email, as part of the OneSpartanburg, Inc. Vision Plan. Shortly after, the local landscape of our community, events, and more changed drastically, and so too InTheBurg pivoted!
From highlighting virtual events and Covid-19 resources, to covering new restaurants, festivals, family-friendly outings, trails, a full calendar of events, history trivia, and hidden gems countywide, InTheBurg’s content has evolved and grown as Spartanburg County has also grown.
Yet, one constant in the past five years of our daily morning missive is InTheBurg’s sole staff and Content Manager, Abigail Hoffman. (Hi, that’s me!) Let’s go back to the origin of our email, long before its 2020 launch, then hear more on Abigail’s top picks around town present day…
InTheBurg Content Manager, Abigail Hoffman; photo by Rony Rivera
(The following interview originally appeared in TheONE, Winter 2023.)
What is InTheBurg?
InTheBurg is a daily email celebrating and sharing all things Spartanburg, sent to roughly 41,000 subscribers each Monday through Friday morning.
Content featured in the emails include new business and restaurant openings, local history and unique trivia, family-friendly activities, economic successes, outdoor recreation opportunities, cultural and arts events, and much more. Along with the daily email, InTheBurg’s website showcases a community events calendar, and InTheBurg social media channels supplement and further showcase content featured in the email.
How did InTheBurg get started?
In the early stages of community input for the curation of the first OneSpartanburg Vision Plan, I joined the “Image” group that was attempting to better define what Spartanburg is, was, and could be to both locals and visitors.
A product like InTheBurg emerged as a common desire from those participating in these brainstorming sessions. Many people countywide wanted an avenue for content and events in a singular, curated publication that was easily-digestible and in the moment.
InTheBurg launch at OneSpartanburg, Inc. Vision Plan Third Year Progress event, 2/25/2020
How do you keep a pulse on everything happening in Spartanburg?
I regularly monitor more than 50 local and regional publications for new content to feature, but my largest source material is social media. I try to follow as many local business accounts as I can on both my personal and work channels so I can catch upcoming events or news. Readers and business owners also send in tips, feature requests, and calendar events, which are very helpful.
To sort all this content, I have a vast spreadsheet organized by topics with over 6,000 individual features, as well as a handwritten notebook calendar to organize each week’s upcoming topics and events.
(Send your content ideas to
What’s the coolest thing you’ve learned about while writing?
One of my favorite topics to deep dive into is local history and how to tell the current story of Spartanburg’s growth, while acknowledging where our community came from.
I also didn’t comprehend just how many restaurants and varieties of cuisine that Spartanburg has countywide until I began keeping track of content. I really value the connections I’ve made through featuring new businesses.
Instagram: @InTheBurg864
What makes you the most proud or excited to live in Spartanburg?
I believe that one’s awareness of place leads to a higher view of the quality of place. The deeper I learn about Spartanburg, the more I learn what I love about it - and I can also see how much local growth and community momentum has occurred in the past decade alone, compared to when I began college at Wofford in 2012. One thing I’ve appreciated through working with various organizations and businesses throughout my career is how all local entities work closely together towards common, collaborative goals.
Who should subscribe to InTheBurg, and why?
InTheBurg is curated for all ages and interests, locals and frequent visitors alike, in the hopes that at least something each day helps you learn a new thing to love about the ‘Burg. You’re never too young or old to continue to discover and “play visitor” in your hometown.
Abigail’s Top Picks Around Town
While I write about content countywide, I live in (and previously worked Communications for) the City of Spartanburg. By day, I manage Pharmacy Coffee and run Communications & Marketing with Little River Roasting. By evening, I write InTheBurg! And every little bit in between and beyond in my schedule, I love to support local.
In my free time, you can find me reading, writing, or scrolling at one of Spartanburg’s many coffeeshops, sipping a crisp glass outside Bond Street Wines, enjoying a savory charcuterie board at Blue Moon Bodega, day-tripping, thrifting, and antique-sifting in Landrum, creating in Spartanburg Art Museum’s ceramics studios, curating monthly art markets with Pharmacy Coffee, or exploring new businesses.
Hub City Spartanburgers’ Name Reveal Block Party; with my baseball-super-fan dad!
Picking favorites is so hard when there’s so many options to choose from in Spartanburg! Everyone has an opinion, and the beauty in when they differ is that we all get to see a different perspective.
Here’s a few of my personal recommendations:
New Development You’re Most Excited for? I’ve got my MiLB Hub City Spartanburgers’ opening game tickets at Fifth Third Park! I’m also really excited to see Inman, Campobello, and Landrum’s growth along the future Saluda Grade Rail Trail.
Which Burger for this Spartanburger? El Southwest at Burgar, Jamie Poo at Cribbs Kitchen, or the classic FR8yard Double Smashburger.
Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner? I love brunch menus, and I’ve got a real soft spot for classic diner food and The Skillet’s Hashbrown Supreme.
All-Around Restaurant Recommendation: Heirloom- A Milltown Eatery and Southside Smokehouse & Grill continue to wow me with their seasonal menus.
Coffee Order: A classic flat white or dark mocha latte at Pharmacy Coffee, always in a mug with latte art.
A Dish That Haunts You: Crawfish N Dumplings at The Kennedy- it’s so good!!
Where Are You on a Sunny Afternoon? If it’s summer, you can find me in a kayak on Croft State Park’s Lake Craig.
Favorite Local Festival or Event? I’m a big fan of trying creative and cultural cuisine, so it’ll have to be a tie between the International Festival and the Cribbs Kitchen Burger Cook-Off. I was also on the planning committee for the first annual Hampton Heights Porchfest in 2024, and I’m excited to see its return!
Which Local Nonprofits Are on Your Donation List? Whether supporting in energy, funds, or media shares, PAL Spartanburg has my love for their important expansion of healthy living initiatives countywide! I also love the work Spartanburg Science Center does to make STEAM education and programming accessible (AND FUN!) for all ages and socio-economic backgrounds.
First Annual Hampton Heights Porchfest, 2024: Wilder Things Than Us (My favorite local band!)
First Date Spot: a small-scale local event, then the Nu Way patio
Local Celebrity You’d Spend an Afternoon With: Zora Nelle at Hub City Bookshop
Favorite Downtown Spot, Past or Present? I will always love the 7+ years I spent at Growler Haus, and the quirky, inclusive community its bartenders and regulars created.
Favorite Local Building: The Historic Montgomery Building! Fun fact: I have a tattoo based on a 1940s postcard of the iconic building.
Historic Montgomery Building (187 North Church St,) and my 1940s postcard tattoo